Neurofeedback for PTSD
What is new in neurofeedback is that you are guided by a form of feedback that was previously not available to you – instantaneous information about changes in your brain’s electrical activity. Every half second, your brain activity is compared to your targets for change. You get a signal and “reward” when you meet the goal. No signal or reward when you do not.
In 20 neurofeedback sessions, with feedback every half second, you get 72,000 chances to learn. That’s a lot of repetition and practice. Brain science has shown that repetitive exercise of brain networks reshapes the brain. Neurofeedback allows you to reshape our brain. Learn more.
Research: neurofeedback for PTSD
and have limited effectiveness for many individuals with PTSD.
Our clinical experience and that of other experts in PTSD treatment shows that neurofeedback is often very helpful with PTSD. Ten weeks of neurofeedback has consistently resulted in significant improvement in children and adults with PTSD. We have provided training and consultation in the use of neurofeedback to four residential treatment centers for children with trauma related difficulties. Each of these programs has found neurofeedback to be very helpful to their kids. After an initial period of evaluation, each center decided to add neurofeedback to the treatment regimen in the residence.
If you continue to suffer from the symptoms of PTSD despite treatment with medication and or psychotherapy, the results of this early research suggest that you consider neurofeedback.
Recommended by leading doctors:
See the problem, then correct it.
Neuroscience is increasingly showing the basis in the brain for PTSD. Multiple qEEG studies have been published showing excessive cortical activation with PTSD. However, every person with PTSD does not have the same brain profile. That’s why we measure brain function with every neurofeedback client using a quantitative EEG “brain map” so that you can see the reason for your difficulties. The image below is from the qEEG analysis of one of our clients with PTSD. The area in red shows excessive activation in part of the fear network in the brain. Once we see the source of the problem, we target that area for change through neurofeedback brain training. This allows you to get to the root of the problem and reshape your brain, not just mask your symptoms. Learn more.
Real Stories of three clients’ experience with neurofeedback for PTSD
Tests done before Janet started treatment showed severe anxiety, moderate depression, and severe difficulties with attention. Twenty session of neurofeedback resulted in huge improvements for Janet, as shown below. She reported only minimal depression and anxiety. Her attention was normal. Janet is doing well now. She loves reading. She enjoys her job. She enjoys her life.
We used proven tests to measure the severity of Thomas’ symptoms before and after 20 neurofeedback sessions. Below are the results of tests completed by his teacher. After ten weeks and 20 sessions of neurofeedback, Thomas was doing much better. His teacher rated his behavior as normal! Two years later, Thomas was still thriving. His mother wrote us: “Speaking with Thomas’s teacher today, she was happy to tell me that Thomas is a fabulous kid and that he is at the top of the class, the smartest kid and an absolute pleasure to have in her classroom.”
Neurofeedback has been approved by the FDA for relaxation.
You probably have questions about neurofeedback for PTSD. We are happy to answer them.
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